How and Why does the Wasp Sting?

Wasp Sting – Wasp stings can be painful, so the flutter of one of these insects around us when outside can take away our peace of mind. Hornets are often attracted to strong smells such as perfume, brightly colour clothing, sweet drinks and food. So, when we eat outside, such as in the countryside or even on the terrace of a bar or restaurant.

Wasps are a type of arthropod that stings with a sting on its stomach to defend itself or from attack. When they do this, they vaccinate our skin with poison, and unlike bees, it sticks to their own when they stick to it. Please don’t lose the sting.

What are the Symptoms?

Wasp sting usually produces a local response to poisoning characterized by intense pain, swelling, and redness in the area around a white pimple. Occurs, in which the place where the wasp had to introduce poison can sometimes be seen. To sting. There is also irritation and itching at the bite site. These symptoms usually disappear within a few hours, although sometimes they persist for days. Usually, the swollen areas are no more than five to ten centimeters around the cutting.

The most sensitive ones can present a broad local response; the swollen area can reach a large diameter. If it occurs in an organ, it can affect the surrounding joints. In addition to presenting the typical symptoms described, the area may also have hardened.

What are the Risks in Terms of Allergies to this Pest?

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The greatest threat from wasp stings is to people suffering from allergies, who may experience a generalized reaction – anaphylaxis – beyond the area that has sustained stings, which may include difficulty breathing, coughing and wheezing in the chest, hives normalized and swelling. Eyes and mouth, dizziness and even loss of consciousness. In rare cases, there may be an anaphylactic shock, in which the pressure is reduced, and the heart’s involvement can lead to death.

In people with these allergies, a single sting is enough to trigger this severe reaction. It seems that the protein nature of some components of the toxin generates allergy.

How to Act before the Wasp Sting?

wasp string

In the event of a wasp stinging, first of all, we must run away from that place because cutting this insect releases a type of pheromone that belongs to its colony. Encourages other members to attack.

Later, the cutting should be thoroughly washed with cold water and soap, followed by a mild antiseptic. Snowflakes can be applied for about ten minutes by wrapping them in a thin cloth or cloth to relieve pain and swelling. Rings or other objects that compress it should also be removed from the affected area.
As a pharmacological treatment, it may be helpful to take analgesics such as paracetamol for pain or antihistamines to reduce itching and local response.

Similarly, applying creams containing corticosteroids (usually hydrocortisone) can be effective.

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Wasp Sting

Suppose the number, location or potential sensitivity of the stung person is severe due to allergies. In that case, medical help should seek immediately by calling 112 because Speed is essential in administering the appropriate treatment so that it is effective. How to act before the sting of the wasp?
In the event of a wasp stinging, first of all, we must run away from that place because cutting this insect releases a type of pheromone that belongs to its colony. Encourages other members to attack.

Later, the cutting should be thoroughly washed with cold water and soap, followed by a mild antiseptic. Snowflakes can apply for about ten minutes by wrapping them in a thin cloth or cloth to relieve pain and swelling. Rings or other objects that compress it should also be removed from the affected area.

As a pharmacological treatment, it may be helpful to take analgesics such as paracetamol for pain or antihistamines, To reduce itching and local response.

Similarly, applying creams containing corticosteroids (usually hydrocortisone) can be effective.
Suppose the number, location or potential sensitivity of the stung person is severe due to allergies. In that case, medical help should sought immediately by calling 112 because Speed is essential in administering proper treatment to be effective.

How to Avoid Cutting?

wasp string

The Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (Seek) makes suggestions to prevent bees and wasps from stinging us. Remember that Hymenoptera attacks only to defend itself and protect your nests or hives.

  • If Hymenoptera descends on your body, it would be better not to scare or try to kill him.
  • If there are bees or wasps nearby, do not suddenly move.
  • Avoid eating out, Especially fruit.
  • Don’t go near fruit trees, flowers, wasp nests, hives or garbage.
  • Shake the clothes before wearing their clothes, as the folds may contain wasps.
  • Cover your body with light-colored clothes, and don’t walk barefoot.
  • Check that there are no wasps on your food or drink.
  • Avoid the use of perfumes or hairspray as the strong scent attracts insects.

The Difference between Bee and Wasp Sting

Hymenoptera is a group of insects characterized by four membranous fins and a complex social organization. In recent years, an invasive species adds to the original species of bees and wasps: the Asian wasp, which is different from European it has spread to the areas.

Highlights the main distinguishing feature of the Hymenoptera sting: “Bees have their stings. They leave it in the place of the sting and die. In contrast, wasps and bumblebees do not leave a sting.

The vaccination of their respective poisons characterizes the bites of these bugs. “Bee and wasp venom is rich in protein, so the affected person is at a higher risk of causing a reaction in the event of an allergy.

Home Remedies from Wasp Sting

Some home remedies can help reduce the effects of wasp stings. Of course, we repeat that if you are allergic to bites, you should seek the help of health professionals and take the treatment you prescribe.
One of the most famous home remedies is to remove the stinger with the help of credit cards and tweezers. The sting contains poison, and it is the best option to remove it as soon as possible, but you should be careful. If you see that you can’t go to medical services and if you’re able to remove it, the wound is good to avoid infection. Disinfect the way.

Natural Remedies Against Wasp Sting

We’re going with the essential elements we can all have at home that reduce the impact of wasp stings once the sting remove. Can you help us to do it?

  • Ice: Ice helps to reduce inflammation after removing the sting.
  • Baking soda with water to soothe discomfort and reduce injury.
  • Rub on cutting the garlic to reduce the itching.
  • Vinegar and cotton are Soake in water for the cutting area.
  • Rub lemon on that area to neutralize part of the remaining poison.
  • Aloe vera is valid for almost everything and cannot reduce in such a situation. Rub the liquid from the plant against the wound, and you will see how the healing process is speeded up.


After the bee or wasp sting, a skin reaction is generally short-live. With redness and swelling around the stinging place, from 10 cm. Minor diameter, more or less intense pain depending on the location, followed by itching, a few hours lasting a long time, although on some occasions, it is longer. It can go up.