What is Visceral Fat?

Visceral fat, or abdominal fat, is a particular type of fat that lodges in the abdominal cavity and between our organs: intestines, liver, and stomach.

Not to be confused with subcutaneous fat, which can be stored anywhere and pinched with your fingers, visceral fat cannot be seen.

Doctors consider 10% of our total fat to be visceral. The total amount of abdominal fat can also be assessed by CT scan or MRI.

The Dangers Of Belly Fat

Unlike subcutaneous fat, visceral fat is what is called “active”. This means that it can disrupt the body and lead to serious complications. Also, it can produce hormones and pro-inflammatory substances.

In the long term, these hormones increase the risk of inflammation and chronic disease, especially cardiovascular disease. Atherosclerotic plaques, which deposit on the walls of our arteries, are a combination of cholesterol and other substances. Over time, they take up more and more space and eventually block blood circulation.

Additionally, visceral fat produces inflammatory markers and free fatty acids that travel through the portal vein to the liver. According to the “gateway theory”, this causes fat to accumulate in the liver and increases the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

How To Lose Visceral Fat?

How To Lose Visceral Fat?

We cannot target this fat, just as it is impossible to target an area of the body when we want to lose weight.

To lose visceral fat, you must be able to mobilize all the fat in your body, using a low carbohydrate diet and exercising.

Visceral Fat – Low Carb Die

Following a low carb diet is one of the most effective ways to lose belly fat. This type of diet is based on limited intake of carbohydrates, and richer in proteins and lipids.

According to an 8-week study of 69 overweight people, researchers observed that those on a low-carb diet lost 10% more visceral fat and 4.4% more total fat compared to the control group.

Also, research seems to indicate that ketogenic diets are the most appropriate for effectively mobilizing abdominal fat. In a study of 28 obese volunteers, people who increased their protein and fat intake lost more visceral fat than the group who followed a low-fat diet.

Visceral Fat – More Protein and Fiber

Protein is the weight loss nutrient. It reduces appetite, increases satiety and increases metabolism.
Also, people who have high protein intakes tend to accumulate less fat in the abdomen. They also have a smaller waistline and more “good” cholesterol.

Protein is found in foods such as eggs, meat, fish, protein powders and legumes.

Soluble fiber is also important for weight loss in general. Not only do they increase satiety, but they also reduce the amount and rate at which carbohydrates absorbed. They also feed healthy bacteria in our microbiota, which promotes weight loss and better health.

Visceral Fat – Change the Fats

Saturated and trans fats are enemies of health and waistlines. They found in prepare foods and junk food in general, as they have a long shelf life.

So stay away from French fries, prepared and takeout meals, fast foods, and all fats that freeze at room temperature (margarine). Coconut oil does not fall into this category.


Visceral fat is a danger because it is a factor of imbalance, maintains inflammation and promotes chronic diseases, as well as cardiovascular disorders.

To put an end to it, diets low in sugar and saturated fat recommend, as well as a higher intake of protein, fiber and omega 3.

Finally, adapt your lifestyle: do more sports, sleep better and do everything possible so that stress does not overwhelm you.