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Obesity Write for Us – Submit Post and Contribute

Obesity Write for Us

Obesity Write for Us

Obesity Write for Us – It is a complex disease and involves an excessive amount of fat in the body. And also it is not just a cosmetic problem. Therefore, it is a medical problem that increases the risk of many other diseases, and health problems, and also such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some other types of cancer.

There are many reasons why some people find it difficult to lose weight. Obesity is usually caused by genetic, physiological, and environmental factors, combined with diet, physical motion, and exercise choices.

The good news is that even simple weight loss can improve or prevent obesity-related health problems. A healthy diet, increased physical activity, and social changes can help you lose weight. Prescription medications and weight loss procedures are additional options for treating obesity.

Risks of Living With Obesity

Obesity is a serious health problem that increases the risk of many other health conditions.

This includes:

Diabetes Type 2

heart disease (coronary)

Here are certain types of cancer – Breast Cancer, Bowel Cancer.


Obesity effects your quality of life, and also contribute to mental health problems, and the mental health problems like depression and this can effect the self-esteem. Living with overweight and obesity is not easy, as it can effect many health issues.

Due To Obesity

Obesity is a complex problem for many reasons. Obesity and overweight occur when excess calories are stored in the body as fat, especially those found in foods high in fat and sugar.

Therefore, Obesity is increasing day by day, and became common problem in the youth. As living in this environment, it is difficult to makes many people eat healthy and be physically active.

Genetics can also be the cause of obesity in few people. Your genes can affect how your body practices diet and stores obese.

There are also few underlying health conditions that can sometimes pay to weight gain, such as an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), although these types of conditions usually do not cause weight problems if they are effectively controlled with medication.

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Why Write for Us – Obesity Write for Us

Search Terms Related to Obesity Write for Us


cardiovascular diseases

type 2 diabetes

sleep apnea




genetic susceptibility


mental disorders

economic policies

endocrine disorder



dietary fiber

gastric balloon



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